How You Can Help
With your help, we can get the voting system Bucks County deserves as soon as possible--it's so important that it is in place by early 2019. The commissioners need to step up NOW so we can have the most secure and accurate elections possible. There are many ways you can become involved, no matter what level of commitment you can offer.

Share our website
It's easy and doesn't take much time--the single most important thing you or your group can do right now is use every opportunity to spread information about the need to update our voting system as soon as possible to everyone you know!
Share and like on social media
Talk to friends and your groups
Print and handout flyers
Contact us for help, info or to sign up for monthly updates
It's really too late for petitions now--they are choosing in the next several weeks! Contact them right now and tell them
we need a HAND-MARKED SYSTEM! Thanks so much!
3rd Monday of the month, 7 - 9pm
Doylestown Friends Meeting House
95 East Oakland Ave., Doylestown
Join us to strategize, plan events, share news and have a lively exchange of ideas to get our goal accomplished!
We'd also like to start satellite meeting places around Bucks County, so please go to our Local Groups page to learn more and let us know who and where you are!
Looking for a way to channel your passion to make an important difference in our community? We can really use your help in a choice of many areas---to spread the word about our issue, contacting experts and officials, helping with events, or just share your talents and ideas!
We're passionate about this issue--which you must realize if you've gotten this far---and we're always looking for people just like you to lend a hand, whatever way you can.
And, yes, it takes money for all those things necessary to spread our message. Please know that helping with a donation now will ultimately be helping all of us in Bucks County. And make you a very important member of our SAVE Bucks Votes family of election activists. Thanks so much!
Write a Letter to the Editor
Want to express how you feel to your neighbors, friends and election officials about our issue? It's easy to share what you've learned here, by writing a letter to the editor of our local papers.

Find some tips on writing a good letter and getting it published here.
All the information you need to contact our local papers and what they require from you to submit your letters successfully can be found here.
See our recent Guest Opinion in the
Intelligencer and Courier Times:
Let Our Elected Officials Know How You Feel
The fact that we are trying to protect our elections seems ironic when we get pushback from elected officials. But our government officials are elected to work for us, the citizens, contrary to how it may seem at times. They need to hear from us when we have concerns, questions, or comments.
Our biggest challenge for getting our new voting system is that we are told by the commissioners that there is no funding for it. While we take some issue with that, we do know there is some effort being made at the federal level to get funding. Contacting our U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators about supporting legislation for this is important.
Members of SAVE Bucks Votes and Citizens for Better Elections of Montgomery County have been working for months to educate state legislators and advocate for funding and other support for our issue. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT THAT THEY HEAR FROM YOU, TOO! We will post updates on progress in Harrisburg on, naturally, our Important Updates page.
The League of Women Voters of Bucks County has compiled an excellent Elected Officials Guide for you to easily find contact information for all of our representatives. There are great tips on how to compose your messages clearly, which methods may be the most effective for them to take your concerns seriously, and how to approach them politely yet firmly. See here and here.
Doylestown Borough recently passed a resolution, supporting our postion about needing a new voting system! Contact us to learn how to get your locality to support us, too!